Parent/Caregiver Association
Parent/Caregiver Teacher Association (PTA)
Thomas C. Boushall Middle School believes an effective school requires parent and community involvement. Our school strives to keep parents and the community aware of all aspects of the total school program.
The PTA provides parents with an opportunity to become involved in their child’s school. The parental group assists in raising funds to enhance various programs within the school. We strive for 100% membership in this outstanding organization from our staff; in addition all faculty and staff are encouraged to attend the schedule PTA meetings.
The Volunteer Program provides parents and community members with an opportunity to assist students and the school. The Volunteers serve as tutors, teacher assistants, chaperones, mentors, or in whatever capacity as needed. Volunteers are always to act under the supervision of a TCBMS staff member.
The school will assist the PTA in their efforts in fundraising. The proceeds determine the budget for the school year.
The PTA uses these funds, minus operating costs, to supplement the school’s instructional programs. The school wholeheartedly assists the PTA in their fundraising efforts.
Students must be instructed about safety issues relating to fundraising, such as not going door-to-door without an adult with them and keeping any cash collected in a safe place.
Students and staff are not allowed to conduct fund raiser activities at school if the activity is not school-sponsored. Inform your child of the school policy if this action is brought your attention.
Message from the PTA:
Membership – the cost is just $6.00 per member. Membership doesn’t mean you are instantly a volunteer unless you express an interest. This is an annual renewal membership and is opened to everyone who has an interest in our children’s education, health & welfare. We have approximately 650 students and we are striving to obtain 650 memberships to match our student enrollment. All parents, teachers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and staff are encouraged to join the PTA. Membership dues help to cover the operating costs of the organization.
Volunteer – There are many opportunities for parental involvement at Thomas C. Boushall Middle School. The PTA needs chaperones and servers to PTA dances and functions as well as individuals to serve on committees (i.e. 8th Grade Dance, Science Expo, Rising 6th Graders Orientation, Eagle Camp, Fall Curriculum Fair, PTA Back-to-School Night). Some of our committees need volunteers throughout the year and not always during the school day. Committee work can be accomplished before school and in the evening.
Attend PTA General Membership Meetings/Programs – We have a lot of family friendly activities planned this year. Additional information will be forthcoming.
T.C. Boushall scholars are respectful, responsible, and ready to learn and T.C. Boushall faculty and staff are caring, committed, and creative.
Student, Parent & Caregiver Bill of Rights
Read the Richmond Public Schools Student, Parent and Caregiver Bill of Rights at this link.